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La Sicilia è un luogo da mille volti, ma esiste anche una Sicilia che consideriamo nostra. Si compone di strade, colori e odori dispersi nell’aria.


Sicily is a place with a thousand faces, but there is a Sicily that we consider ours. It is made up of streets, colors and smells dispersed in the air. It is made of countryside and rock, that of the Iblei Mountains, perhaps the least known part of the whole region. We love the quarries of spectacular beauty that suddenly open up in the orography of the mountains, the canyons, the caves; the fact that there are necropolises and catacombs hidden among the vegetation. We love the road that winds along the plateau between the oak and laurel woods of the Corrado, Pendente and Selvaggi hills, and the view that extends up to the profiles of Bollarito and Patro. We are amazed every time by the humble beauty of the dry stone walls. Walls like works of art that give geometric grace to the mountains, in contrast with the transitory nature of the limestone rock of these areas. And in the same way, we continue to marvel at the baroque beauties, such as Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, Palazzolo Acreide and the Val di Noto, which suddenly interrupt the harshness of the mountains with their architectural splendor. Here there are holm oaks, olive trees and carob trees. There is the strength of nature, and of the rock that crumbles like "giuggiulena" as it slopes towards the sea. Here they transform into outcropping rocks or insurmountable dunes, in the shadow of which vineyards once grew. Kilometers of sands and beaches that take us directly to Africa, so close after all. To that sand of the Sahara desert that reaches here on Sirocco days.
Here there is the wind and the roughness of smells and aromas. All ingredients transmitted in our wines.

And then here is the city of Vittoria. Born only in 1607 in the center of the Boscopiano fiefdom, near the valley of the ancient Ippari river, which it overlooks with a magnificent viewpoint. City founded by Vittoria Colonna de Cabrera, countess of Modica and daughter of the viceroy of Sicily, during the Spanish denomination (1558-1633), created specifically for wine. Vittoria Colonna de Cabrera began the construction of a new city, namely Vittoria, today in the province of Ragusa. She invited settlers to populate and cultivate those then uninhabited lands and to encourage them she promised to give them a hectare of land but on conditions that they cultivate it as vineyards. Hence the production of the wine which later became Cerasuolo di Vittoria and which was produced until the nineteenth century, when phylloxera wiped out the wine community. A wine that disappeared for a few decades and then returned to cultivation only in the 1950s, a mixture of "calaurisi" and "rrappato" (Nero d'Avola and Frappato). 1600 was certainly not the year in which vines began to be cultivated in this area: in fact numerous documents testify that already in the 3rd century BC. the cultivation of vineyards was a consolidated practice. This history is inscribed in the land, in the countryside dotted with bagli and palmenti, and in this city of few monuments (such as the Basilica of San Giovanni Battista and the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie). City born to give order to the countryside and from the countryside in turn created and, over the centuries, inhabited by people from all over, coming from all over Sicily, from Calabria, even from Malta; where the figure of the wine producer was born immediately. As if the vine were something that has been breathed in the air since ancient times. Oxygen, history, and always new life.